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ULYSSES International Studies is an independent council agency who freely recommends the university that suits you best. We have built trusting relationships with renowned universities around the world. 


Universities with a "plus" 


Additional Skills to better serve you

Partner Universities


ULYSSES International Studies maintains special relations with various universities in the world. Through these contacts you may benefit from: 


  • Our network and key contacts to obtain the latest information

  • Continuous Updates of all programme developments


Bocconi University logo
Erasmus University College logo
HotelSchool The Hague logo
Maastricht University logo
Erasmus University Rotterdam Logo
Rotterdam School of Management Erasmus University logo
SOAS University of London logo
University of Amsterdam logo
University of East Anglia - logo
University of Essex - logo
University of Groningen logo
Universiteit Leiden logo
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam logo
Utrecht University logo
UCAS - logo

Thanks to our partner universities in the United Kingdom we are registered as an official UCAS centre. This status enables us to get support, tools, and advise from the UCAS International Team, to have access to the latest information, but above all it allows us to track and register your application directly and officially on-line.​

Other Partners


Ulysses International Studies expertise is to inform, advise, and assist all students with selecting and applying to international universities.  In some cases, a Study Project Abroad may require further support or advice. For this, we have selected partners whom we recognize for their sincerity and competence. 

Jane MARSHALL has 23 years’ experience working for top UK universities. She works with students in over 150 schools in the South of England, giving guidance on writing excellent applications and performing well at interviews.


Jane also provides the voiceover for the UCAS website video on Personal Statements and frequently speaks at UCAS conferences for teachers and advisers.

Chrstine LaFond - UIS

Christine LAFOND, founder of J.O. Coaching has 11 years experience assisting young people (15-25 years) in study and professional orientation. She works individually with students, but also with institutions of higher education - business and engineering schools - in programs of personal and professional development. These programs help young people to get to know themselves better, to develop their self-confidence, to become confident in their studies or to prepare for their entry into professional life.


"Young people have talent" -  is Christine's credo

Olivia Bedier - UIS

Olivia BÉDIER knows the British boarding school system both as a pupil and as a parent. Olivia has visited over 250 boarding schools and summer camps in Britain.


School Britannia was founded. Olivia assists Francophone parents to find reputable, traditional British boarding schools and inspirational summer schools and camps for their children, aged 7-18.  The goal is to encourage children to delve further into the British way of life and to immerse themselves in the culture as well as the language.  Above all, to enjoy themselves as they learn.

+33 (0)6 30 00 65 55  - 10, rue Gaston Lévy - 92330 Sceaux

Immatriculation au RSEIRL N° 422 629 246 R.S.E.I.R.L.

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